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About Us

A Biotechnology Company to Improve Human Wellness

Using highly-efficient, soluble,
and rapid VLNP production technology in E. coli
Development of Prophylactic or Therapeutic vaccines against various emerging and mutant viral infection

  • Date of Foundation

    May 02, 2016

  • Field of Business

    Virus Like Nano Particle (VLNP)-based Prophylactic or Therapeutic vaccine Development

  • Core Technology

    High-yield, soluble, and rapid production technology
    of VLNP vaccines in E.coli
    Ability for characteristics and efficacy analysis
    of vaccine candidates
    Intellectual Property for VLNP vaccine
    production technology



B - 218, 11, Beobwon-ro 11-gil, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

R&D Center


A-1709,1809~10,1904, 302, Galmachi-ro, Jungwon-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea

R&D area

Development of recombinant virus
vaccine manufacturing process

InThera Inc.has built most of the equipment
needed for vaccine research in the R&D center.

  • R&D Center

  • analysis room

  • Purification room

  • cell culture room